Saturday, 11 April 2015

Continue Of Fashion Tips

1 Learn To Pack Lightly: Packing lightly is an art. Unless you're walking a runway in Milan, you won't need more than just a few key ensembles. The folks over atApartment Therapy stick to this rule-of-thumb: If you're going away for one week, pack three bottoms and 3 shirts per bottom. For two weeks pack five bottoms. For every dress you pack, you can lose a shirt and a bottom.

2 Nix The Change Purse: Change purses can be useful, but if yours rarely sees daylight, either because you don't put change in it, or worse, never take change out of it (this is just dead weight), then it's time to say goodbye.

3 Body Shapers: Thank goodness body shaping has evolved from Victorian waspies to Spanx (after all, we want you to be able to breathe). Body shapers are ideal for hiding excess bulge (who likes the sight of love handles or muffin tops?) and allows clothes to glide on smoothly.

4 LImit Accessories: We love accessories, but we have to draw the line somewhere. If you're throwing yourself an arm party, then it might be better to steer clear of too many rings. If you're wearing large earrings that scream for attention, then you might want to forgo an equally radiant necklace — they will only work against each other.

5 Purse Essentials: A purse isn't just a fashion statement. It's main purpose is functional. You carry it around wherever you go so it needs to contain some essentials: your wallet, a pen, pain killers, hand sanitizer, tissues, make-up essentials (we personally won't leave the house without lip stick and/or lip balm), hand cream, gum or breath mints, tampons or maxi pads (no one wants to be caught off guard during that time of the month), and for those of you who spend lengthy bouts talking, texting or gaming, bring your phone charger along.

6 When In Doubt, Overdress: There's nothing worse than showing up an event underdressed. Maybe the invite didn't specify or involved the word casual — but everyone else dressed up not so casually. If you don't know what the dress code is, overdress. There's no harm in looking too pulled together, but you'll feel uncomfortable if you think you look out of place.

7 Wear Nice Underwear: Wearing nice underwear every day will make you feel special. Sure, not everyone gets to be so lucky and see how nice your underwear is, but you'll know. Also, be sure to get your bras fitted — often. It will make your clothes hang better and be infinitely more comfortable.

8 Sharpen Your Sewing Skills: Have a mini sewing kit at home or in your purse. This way you can salvage your favourite blouse or pair of pants by patching up minor tears with some simple needle and thread action.

9 Get Some Stay-Up Thigh-Highs: Sometimes pantyhose creates an unsightly bulge around our mid-section (ladies, you know what we're talking about). To eliminate this altogether, why not use substitute pantyhose with stay-up thigh-highs? They'll do exactly what pantyhose does, minus the bulge.

10 Use Nail Polish To Stop A Tear In Its Tracks: Pantyhose is notorious for ripping. We've been victim to this fashion mishap one too many times. Until someone invents pantyhose that won't tear at the slightest tug, we've got a temporary fix. Just dab clear nail polish on both ends of the rip and it should keep it from getting larger.

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